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ANNAPOLIS, Md. , July 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- For Bioenergy Devco, the parent company of BTS Biogas, the newly announced partnership between BTS Biogas and A2A is an important industry development with global implications for anaerobic digesti
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Investment Tax Credits will support further development of biogas production infrastructure
BURLINGTON, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The U.S. House of Representatives, last Friday, passed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which
The City of East Lansing was recently selected to receive a $2 million grant that will help the city improve its drinking water infrastructure.
The grant, awarded to the East Lansing - Meridian Water and Sewer Authority, will help pay for a $9.1 million project that will improve East Lan
In late 2017, Department of Health conducted a review of Chapter 246-272A WAC, On-site Sewage Systems to determine the chapter's overall effectiveness and areas needing revision. The Department of Health reported the results of the rule review and made recommendations to the State Board of Hea
Punjab’s New and Renewable Energy Sources Minister Aman Arora on Friday claimed that Asia’s largest Compressed Biogas (CBG) plant, which commissioned in April this year has started commercial production in State’s Sangrur district.
He said the plant with a total capacity of 33.23 t
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Andrea Rodriguez, Associated Press
Investors are bracing for billions of dollars in losses due to lawsuits filed over the heartburn drug Zantac. The three U.K.-based drugmakers shed tens of billions of dollars from their market caps amid the potential for litigation in the U.S.
Although the issues and resulting lawsuits a
Germany’s Agrarvereinigung eG Darchau and Ruhe Biogas have joined forces with Italy’s Ecospray to launch what they say is the first compact bio-LNG plant in Germany.
The small bio-LNG plant in Darchau, Lower Saxony, will liquefy biogas made from liquid manure and dung from th
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Correction: An earlier version of this article misspelled the name of Troy Larson.
BERESFORD — For the legislators, local officials and business and community leaders who had a hand in contributing to the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System, the finish line for the ambitious, tri-sta