Himark BioGas International has announced the issuance to it by the South African Patents Office of a patent that covers a grit removal system for anaerobic digester (AD) tanks. The system removes indigestible solids, including rocks, stones, sand, metal objects, or other indigestible organic
The Vuorenmaa dairy farm has its own biogas plant that produces about 1,200 MWh of biogas per year. Biogas has already been used to produce the electricity and heat needed at the farm, but now the biogas plant has been expanded. Initially, about half of the gas will be refined into biomethane
It's the first step toward a new day in a Miami-Dade neighborhood — new infrastructure that business owners are calling a game changer.
County Mayor Danielle Levine Cava stood alongside property owners and the director of the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department to break ground Wednes
A clear sky. Near record high temperatures. Low 58F. SSW winds at 15 to 25 mph, decreasing to 5 to 10 mph..
A clear sky. Near record high temperatures. Low 58F. SSW winds at 15 to 25 mph, decreasing to 5 to 10 mph.
Cliff Williams / The Outlook Alex
Food packaging materials lying in Valankulam tank in Coimbatore on Saturday. | Photo Credit: M. PERIASAMY
Activists and nature enthusiasts in the city have expressed concern over the littering prevalent in the Valankulam tank, which is considered one of the biodiversity rich wetlands
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Tom Kramer (center), with the Two Lake Collaborative Sewer Authority, answers a question at Onekama Township Hall Thursday during a presentation regarding a proposed low-pressure sewage collection system for areas surround Portage and Bear lakes.
ONEKAMA — More than 40 people gathered
MF Nurseries will receive a formal certification from Gas Networks Ireland to show that the gas it is using is renewable.
Almost 90% of MF Nurseries carbon emissions are captured and absorbed by the tomato plants in its innovative greenhouse system. The renewable gas will offset the
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker on Aug. 11 signed a climate bill that, in part, makes biogas from certain anaerobic digestion and landfill gas facilities eligible to participate in the state’s Clean Peak Standard Program, which is designed to provide incentives to clean energy technolog
In towns and cities across Jordan, “water day” announces itself with a cacophony of high-pitched screeches filling the air.
Motors groan and strain to pump a trickle of water from ground-level pipes up five stories to aluminum and plastic rooftop storage tanks – tanks that will hol